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Book your taxi with just the push of a button!
If I told you that from now on, it was possible to book a taxi just by pushing one simple button, would you be interested to find out more? Well, when we found out that it was possible here at, we were definitely impressed! So we decided to share all of the information we’ve found online to help you make the most of this great new concept. With the promise of a taxi button becoming the trend, the old-fashioned reservations by telephone or face-to-face may well fade into oblivion…
Ways to reserve a taxi: the main ports of call today
At the moment, there are three main ways to book a taxi. The first and most popular is booking by telephone, which many consider to be a method that’s here to stay. This is because, despite the rise of new technologies which have in many ways simplified taxi bookings, in reality many people feel much more comfortable hearing a voice on the other end of the phone to confirm their reservation. The second key way that has recently been adopted by the vast majority of taxi companies is the online booking system. This method definitely saves bags of time. And the last – not to mention most recent – system is the mobile app booking which is a quick, easy and most importantly portable way of booking a taxi.
Booking a taxi with the push of a button
Technology means that society advances day by day – and it looks like there are unlimited opportunities in store. Taxis companies, like many other businesses, are looking for ways to progress technologically in order to facilitate services to their clients. This is why the Blue Taxi company has developed a new tool to help you order your next taxi: the taxi button. Want to find out more?
The taxi button: what we know so far
What’s the story behind this ‘taxi button’? It’s an initiative from a Parisian taxi company called Blue Taxi who developed the idea and brought the service into the market in May 2016. They wanted to offer a fast, quick service which met the needs of their potential clients. And the taxi button was the answer, as it saves time. A lot of time. No need to search online for a taxi company’s phone number, or bother downloading an application on your phone. The taxi button avoids all of this!
Pressing a simple button to book your taxi
The concept is innovative, but also playful. The taxi button is located in strategically chosen spots where the demand for taxis is particularly high. This could be restaurants, shops, train stations, airports, hotel lobbies… The main idea is simple: all you need to do is to push the button if you need a taxi straight away. As soon as the button is pressed, the order is transferred directly to the booking centre and the button will glow green if your driver has been found. So all you need to do is wait – the driver is on his way!
This system is faster and more innovative than anything we’ve seen before in the world of taxi bookings. The one complaint we can foresee with the service is the loss of communication it implies. For example, there is no way of knowing how long your taxi will take, nor who the driver is. However, we still think the taxi button is the next big thing for this particular market, and we have faith that it’ll be a great service for many!
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