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of taxis in France

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big city


Taking a taxi in Bali

Taking a taxi in Bali: holiday well without getting ripped off

You’ve been saving up for months and finally the moment has come – tickets in hand, you’re off for the holiday of a lifetime...

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Taxis for big families

Taxis suitable for big families: our advice

30 Mar 2017

Travelling as a big family is not always an easy task. And understandably so – trips take a lot longer to plan and need...

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Taking a taxi with luggage

Taking a taxi with luggage: what you should know

So you are thinking about taking a taxi as part of your travels because it is the best suited or most efficient method compared...

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Taking a taxi with a baby

Taking a taxi with a baby: our guide

There’s no doubt that becoming a parent can be one of life’s greatest joys – but it comes with its own dose of stress!...

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Taking a medical taxi in France

Medical taxis: everything you need to know about non-emergency patient transport in France

A taxi can sometimes become an essential part of life, notably when somebody with reduced mobility needs to get somewhere important. In France the...

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How do Taxis in Paris work

Taxis in Paris: discover the ins and outs of how they work

After reading this article, the ins and outs of Parisian taxis will no longer be a mystery to you! We’ve brought together all of...

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