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of taxis in France

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big city


Tricks to book a taxi

Booking a taxi: 10 tricks to make your reservation easier

13 Apr 2017

Everyday life would no longer be the same if one day our beloved taxis services disappeared. There is good reason for this, taxis allow...

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Booking a taxi in Rennes: the cheaper alternative

Booking a taxi: a cheaper alternative in Rennes

11 Apr 2017

If you happen to find yourself in the beautiful city of Rennes in France for a professional trip, a family holiday or a weekend...

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Taking a taxi at night

Taking a taxi at night: our safety guide

08 Apr 2017

Taking a taxi in the middle of the night is something a lot of us do when we’re young; mostly after a night out...

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Taking a taxi in Bali

Taking a taxi in Bali: holiday well without getting ripped off

You’ve been saving up for months and finally the moment has come – tickets in hand, you’re off for the holiday of a lifetime...

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Information about taxi prices and fares

Taxi prices and fares: the ins and outs of rules of the profession

Have you ever wondered who sets the price of taxis? Are you interested in finding out more about the rules and regulations surrounding this...

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Taking a taxi with luggage

Taking a taxi with luggage: what you should know

So you are thinking about taking a taxi as part of your travels because it is the best suited or most efficient method compared...

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