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Taking a taxi with a baby

Taking a taxi with a baby: our guide

There’s no doubt that becoming a parent can be one of life’s greatest joys – but it comes with its own dose of stress!...

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Taking a medical taxi in France

Medical taxis: everything you need to know about non-emergency patient transport in France

A taxi can sometimes become an essential part of life, notably when somebody with reduced mobility needs to get somewhere important. In France the...

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How do Taxis in Paris work

Taxis in Paris: discover the ins and outs of how they work

After reading this article, the ins and outs of Parisian taxis will no longer be a mystery to you! We’ve brought together all of...

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Practical information about parisian taxis

Taxis in Paris: practical information you never knew before

What would the French capital be like without its famous professional vehicles? There is more than meets the eye when considering the taxis in...

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female taxi drivers

Female taxi drivers: women behind the wheel?

In an automobile sector dominated by male drivers and no stranger to misogyny, it is interesting and important to note that more and more...

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Crazy and incredible stories of parisian taxis

Parisian taxis: the most interesting, unusual and downright incredible stories!

A day in the life of a taxi driver is certainly full of surprises. Understandably so – you’re bound to meet a vast array...

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