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What can parisian taxi drivers refuse and why

Paris taxis: do they or don’t they have the right to refuse customers?

What would the famous capital city of France be like without its famous taxis that are used by residents and tourists alike in an...

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Taxi drivers wages

Taxi driver wages: everything you need to know about salaries

18 Feb 2017

While the professional world of the taxi driver seems to be undergoing a type of existential crisis tied to the appearance of concepts such...

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What is it to know about taxis in paris

Paris taxis: things you didn’t know

14 Feb 2017

So you think you know all there is to know about Paris taxis because they go hand in hand with life in the French...

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Booking a taxi

Booking a taxi: things to know for a successful reservation

09 Feb 2017

This is an article that will make your life easier by giving you everything you need to know in order to book a taxi...

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Taking a taxi abroad

Taking a taxi abroad: some rules that apply

For most people, going on holiday means time to relax, great places to visit and above all – freedom! Taking a taxi is still...

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Black cabs in London

London taxi : the origins of black cabs

04 Feb 2017

It is impossible to go to London as a tourist and pass by a London taxi cab without being impressed by the class and...

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